What Vegans Should Know About IV Therapy
Jan 31, 2025
Veganism can be extremely beneficial for your health in countless ways. It promotes weight loss, lowers your chances of getting certain cancers, reduces your risk of getting heart diseases, and more.
Unfortunately, however, being a vegan also comes with several disadvantages. One of the most common issues that a plant-based diet causes is – nutritional deficiencies. These deficiencies occur mainly because a vegan diet falls behind in offering a few vital nutrients that an animal-based diet offers.
When important nutrients are consistently absent in a vegan diet, several health conditions – from mild to severe to irreversible – begin to take form.
Fortunately, veganism doesn’t have to come with such a cost, thanks to the many benefits of IV therapy. Read on to know what IV hydration therapy is, how it works, and how it can help you recover from nutritional deficiencies.
Common Nutrition Deficiencies Among Vegans
Regardless of how well-rounded your vegan diet may be, it is still devoid of certain important nutrients that are present in animal products. When these nutrients don’t reach your body consistently, it can gradually lead to several health conditions. The nutrients and minerals for the body that are generally absent in a vegan diet include vitamin B12, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that your body needs for its overall well-being. This vitamin is generally found in foods such as some types of cheese, egg yolk, and meats like lamb, beef, and selfish. When vitamin B12 supplies in the body begin to deplete, several symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, lack of concentration, and depression begin to set in. Low levels of B12 are also associated with the onset of anemia. In addition, when you fail to intake vitamin B12 for a long time, serious health conditions like psychosis or permanent nerve damage tend to emerge.
A deficiency in vitamin B12 also translates into a health hurdle that prevents the body from performing vital functions like CNS synthesis, and cell division. Lastly, vitamin B12 deficiency also blocks the formation of the protective layer around the nerve cells.
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, it is critical for vegetarians to take the need for vitamin B12 into account. Although this vitamin cannot be found in most plant based foods, it is still possible to make up for the lost B12 levels. Although vegetarians can manage to fill up their B12 reserves – through fortified foods like veggie burgers or breakfast cereals – vegans might still struggle with it since dairy products are out of bounds.
A majority of vegans also struggle with low levels of zinc in the body. Zinc is a vital mineral that is generally found in foods such as red meat, eggs, seafood, and dairy. Zinc is a critical building block for a healthy immune system. A deficiency in this mineral can make it extremely difficult for your body to heal wounds. Without zinc, the body’s cellular metabolism and several other biochemical reactions see a negative impact.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Fish and eggs are generally the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids. While the body doesn’t produce this nutrient on its own, it is still essential for it to function optimally. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain your blood pressure and promote heart health.
What You Should Know About IV Therapy
There is no denying the number of health benefits a vegan diet offers. However, some nutrients and vitamins are mainly present in animal products. If you want to maintain a vegan diet without having to miss out on vital nutrients, IV therapy can be your perfect solution.
During IV therapy, essential nutrients are directly administered into your vein through a liquid solution. IV therapy for vegans involves infusing high-dose vitamins and hydration fluids straight into the bloodstream.
Unlike supplements, IV fluids offer lightning fast results that are up to 100% effective. The reason? Supplements are required to pass through the digestive tract which can substantially bring down their effectiveness. They can even take between 3 to 6 months to bring out any results.
IV fluid, on the other hand, doesn’t have to pass through the digestive tract which makes it a lot faster and extremely effective.
How Exactly Does IV Therapy Work?
Once you book a consultation with Hydra+, our medical experts take a deep dive into your health history to determine exactly the kind of IV therapy you’d need. Once the IV fluids tailored to your needs are ready, the IV bag is connected to a small thin tube which is then administered directly into your vein via catheter. The entire treatment takes about 30-45 minutes and you begin to feel the changes during and after the treatment.
How often should vegans go for IV therapy?
Generally speaking, people get IV vitamin therapy once a month. This dose helps support their health by ensuring the right amount of minerals, vitamins, and micronutrients reach their body. However, every individual has different health needs. This is why it’s best to first consult one of our experts to determine what best suits your body and health needs.
Can Vegetarians Also Go for this Treatment?
A vegan diet may be more restrictive than a vegetarian diet. However, in some cases, a vegetarian diet might also fail to supply the body with the right nutrients. For this reason, vegetarians can also benefit from IV vitamin therapy.
Final Tips
The benefits of a vegan diet may be endless but a plant-based diet is simply not enough to keep your nutrient supply filled to adequate levels. Vitamin infusion with IV therapy can be the fastest and most efficient way to help a vegan system soak in essential nutrients for a healthy lifestyle. While a single IV therapy takes anywhere between 30-45 minutes, the treatment can slightly vary based on individual needs.
Hydra+ offers IV high-quality IV therapy to ensure all the vegans out there enjoy a healthy and energetic lifestyle. Connect with us to upgrade your vegan plan to the healthiest possible level!
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