Top 5 Causes & Symptoms of Dehydration
Jan 31, 2025
About 75% of Americans suffer from chronic body dehydration. The dehydration alarm rises when your body loses more fluid than it can replace. Many factors - excessive sweating, illnesses like vomiting and diarrhea, or having a “little too much during last night’s party” - can deprive your body of the fluids it needs to function well.
Symptoms of dehydration kick in when body fluids are lost from the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. Dehydration can range from mild to severe and both types of dehydration require immediate treatment. If neglected, dehydration may even lead to shock.
Read on to understand the loop of dehydration causes and effects and how you can combat it.
What Causes Dehydration?
The most common cause of dehydration is, of course, the lack of sufficient fluid intake. The water your body loses through urination or sweating often needs to be replaced. Understanding the causes of your dehydration can help you understand your dehydration levels and find a treatment suitable for your requirements.
- Sweating Sweat glands release sweat to cool your body off. Excessive heat and physical exertion can also cause you to sweat more than usual. Sweat is largely salt and water. While it has its own benefits, excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis can cause you to lose large amount of body fluids. When these fluids are not replaced, you begin to feel the symptoms of dehydration.
- Illnesses Illnesses that lead to diarrhea or continuous vomiting are another factor contributing to dehydration. Vomiting or diarrhea episodes wring your body out of the water it needs to function normally. These illnesses also cause the loss of several vital electrolytes. As a result, frequent vomiting or diarrhea can cause severe health complications like coma or stroke.
- Excessive Alcohol Consumption Alcohol is a diuretic. It causes excessive urination, leaving a serious depletion of the water supply in your body. When a hangover knocks at your door the next day, it’s your cue to find immediate treatment for your dehydration.
- Urination Sure, urination is the body’s way to release toxins. However, there might be certain conditions that may trigger chemical imbalances in your body. When the fluids lost through excessive urination are not replaced, the risk of dehydration increases.
- Higher Temperature or Intense Workouts When temperatures – especially during the summers – increase, the risk of dehydration increases. People who have to be outside for work are usually at a higher risk of dehydration. Intense workouts can also bring down the body fluids.
The people who are most at risk of dehydration include people with chronic health conditions, people working outdoors, older adults, and infants and young kids.
How Do you Know If You’re Dehydrated?
You might face mild or severe dehydration symptoms from time to time. Either way, your body sends out important signals for you to restore your hydration. Here are the symptoms of dehydration that need your immediate attention:
- Fatigue: In addition to feelings of unusual exhaustion and lethargy, dehydration might bring in feelings of irritability, confusion, or difficulty in concentration.
- Thirst: Your mouth may feel dry or sticky if you’re dehydrated. While thirst is a noticeable dehydration red flag, it might not be the best indicator of dehydration. This is because you might not even feel thirsty until your body has already lost 1 to 2% of its water content.
- Headache: Headaches are a common sign of dehydration. Without an immediate dehydration treatment, headaches can quickly escalate to severe migraine attacks.
- Dehydration Dizziness or Lightheadedness: Another dehydration trademark includes dizziness or lightheadedness. These feelings can often be accompanied by delirium or weakness.
- Urinary Symptoms: Dehydration urinary symptoms include either having dark-colored urine or peeing less often than usual.
Other symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth and skin, constipation, rapid breathing or heart rate, lower blood pressure, shriveled skin, or sunken eyes.
Combating Dehydration With IV Hydration Therapy
Drinking large quantities of water is often the first instinct that crosses the mind as far as dehydration is concerned. But it takes hours for your system to absorb this intake of water. If your dehydration is coupled with nausea, drinking excessive water might even make matters worse.
Treating symptoms of dehydration needs more than just water consumption. This is where the need for IV hydration therapy comes in. This therapy transfers vital IV fluids for dehydration directly into your bloodstream so your body ends up absorbing more than 90% of the nutrients.
With IV dehydration treatment, you’ll start noticing the relief almost instantly after the process is treatment process is completed. The combination of speed and efficiency gives IV therapy an edge over other supplement treatments.
Looking up IV fluids for dehydration near you? Hydra Plus’s IV Hydration therapy might just be the dehydration cure you need. Visit our innovative IV therapy spa for a relaxing IV treatment experience. We also provide high-quality mobile IV treatment if you prefer at-home therapy. Get in touch with us to restore your health. We look forward to healing you!
What deficiency causes dehydration?
The most common cause of dehydration is not supplying your body with enough water. When your body loses more fluids than it can replace, it becomes deficient in vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium decrease. Balancing these nutrients through IV therapy can help erase any symptoms or aftereffects of dehydration.
What vitamin helps dehydration?
Vitamins like B vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals like magnesium are the main ingredients of an IV therapy for dehydration. Regardless of how severe your dehydration symptoms are, these nutrients restore the fluid balance in your body. These vitamins and minerals combat body dehydration by providing energy boost, reducing fatigue, and gifting you instant relief from other unpleasant symptoms.
What is the quickest way to hydrate yourself?
Taking hydration orally comes with long wait times. This is because oral supplements have to first pass through the digestive tract with an absorption rate of just 50%. IV dehydration treatment, on the other hand, infuses essential nutrients and electrolytes directly into your bloodstream. As a result, you can be relieved of dehydration right after the treatment. In addition, IV fluids for dehydration come with an effectiveness of over 90% when compared to other supplement treatments.
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